
Dr Ramani
Founder and Managing Trustee of Sankara Eye Foundation

“March to a Million is a Magnificent Obsession!”

Dr Ramani, founder of Sankara Eye Hospitals, India, admits we have a daunting task ahead of us, and only the collective obsession of all the partners will take it forward towards its goal.

On the occasion of the third March to a Million Meet of Sankara Eye Foundation, USA, Dr Ramani relates this obsession with a story from Tamil Nadu.

When You Are Down, Lift Someone Up!

Back in our state of Tamil Nadu, we used to have a proverb. It says, there is a temple cart in every village – a huge cart. If it has to be pulled it cannot be done by one or two or three people. The entire village joins - all of them, every single individual there is - and pulls the car towards the specific place.

Similarly, here is a mission which is an obsessive mission. If we want to reach out to 1,000,000 people year after year, every partner organization has to join hands.

In this journey, we have to be steadfast. We have to reach out to these people without compromising on quality and at the same time, giving love and compassion to every single individual, irrespective of their socio-economic status.

So many of us have joined together with unanimity of purpose. With this unanimity, we’re going to approach this cause. And we will move towards success.”